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You've got questions

we've got answers.

Take a quick glimpse in to the life of FPC Below.
frequently asked questions

What will the service be like?

Our services include a combination of music, video and a message about a specific topic and what the Bible has to say about it. It isn’t stuffy and we don’t expect you to recite anything. You’ll always have something you can walk away with that will make a difference in your life on Monday. That’s our commitment to you.

What should I wear?

Really, it’s up to you. For the most part, we dress pretty casually. Our pastor usually wears converse while he’s preaching, if that tells you anything. Some people prefer to dress up a bit, but we don’t place any importance on what you wear. God isn’t concerned about what you wear either, so wear something comfortable.​


Where do I go if I have  questions?

There’s an Information Center in the lobby staffed by our Great Welcome Team. They can answer any questions you have and help you find your way around. And, you’ll find that the vast majority of people at FPC are friendly.  If you’re feeling lost, just ask someone or linger for a cup of coffee after the service.

Can I call, email, or text someone to get more info?


email -

call - 863.533.5005

text. 484.757.9119

How long will the services last?

The service will last just a little more than an hour, about 90 minutes. It’s long enough for us to have a great time together and you’re allowed to bring our free coffee in to the service with you. We take your time very seriously and we work hard to make sure our services are practical and relevant to your life. 

How do I get connected to people?

For thousands of years, followers of Jesus have gathered in small-sized groups to study the Bible together and build relationships. We have several options to help you with this.


The simplest option is to show up on Wednesday Nights for Growth


Here’s how Wednesdays work: At 5:30pm we host a catered dinner and then Choir Practice starts at 6pm in Choir Room.   

At 6:00pm, fun environments for your youth and kiddos age infant through high school begin. At 6:15pm we offer great small-sized group environments where you can meet more people, learn more about the church, (and most importantly) learn more about Jesus!


If you are interested in meeting in a small group at a different time during the week or learning about our other ministries for adults, contact Josh Roberts at

Am I allowed to laugh and have a good time at church?

100%.  Absolutely.

What do you have for my kids?

It is important here at FPC that kids feel like they have a place where they belong.  We offer several programs for a variety of age groups, designed to be interactive and engaging for kids as they learn about the God who created them, loves them, and who sent his one and only Son to save them. Here are some of the programs that we offer:


Each Sunday, the kids' lessons are aligned with the sermon series so that as kids and parents head home, they can continue the conversation about what they have learned at church.  CLUB SHINE is for kids age 0 through 5th grade, and meets each Sunday during the Sermon Time.


Wednesday nights kids go deeper. They are challenged to learn more about the Bible and how to apply it in their lives.  Our kids' programs take place at the same time as our adult classes, so there is something for everyone of all ages.  Kids age 0-5th grade meet together for Kids Ministry in our fellowship hall after dinner.

For students 6th through 12 grade, we offer a ministry called Pursuit that meets on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:30 pm with a meal starting at 5:30pm. Check out the "How do I get connected to people" question for more information on Wednesday's meals and classes

Weekend services:

Online Services:

Sundays at 10:15 am

Live Radio Broadcast & Indoor Service:

Sundays at 10:15 am 

Contact us



355 S. Florida Ave

Bartow, FL 33830



355 S. Florida Ave

Bartow, FL 33830

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©2022 by First Presbyterian Church - Bartow, FL

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